Week 5 Journal – Mindsets – Bias Toward Action

HomeWeek 5 Journal – Mindsets – Bias Toward Action
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Natoli’s Italian Deli in Secaucus, N.J.,

A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.” —George Patton

Article : https://time.com/6082576/pandemic-new-businesses/

Sketch - Process
  1. Sketch a timeline of their activities. How did a bias toward action help them succeed?

Natoli’s Italian Deli was able to survive the pandemic because they acted swiftly to rapidly changing events that affected their business. Once they started to see revenues were decreasing, the management team quickly oriented themselves with pandemic rules and regulations within their jurisdiction. They then were able to weigh the pros and cons of various options/alternatives. Once they decided on the best option, they quickly implemented it and it was successful. It has allowed them to stay open during and after the pandemic and it had an unexpected bonus – customers loved the outdoor seating area and it has since been a permanent part of the Natoli experience. 

Reflect - Are you and your team being proactive enough in your sprint? Where could you bring this innovation behavior back into the work?

My strengths on the team are as an innovator and facilitator. I have been able to help the team come up with innovative solutions to identified problems as well as helping the team stay focused on a path towards realization of our ideas. Because of this, our team has generally been highly productive with various sprints yielding several innovative ideas/concepts. Although we have not actually implemented an idea/concept from end to end yet, this same process will undoubtedly be highly effective on a production project in helping any team push through gridlocks and bottlenecks to actually moving ideas/products from concepts to reality.