Week 1 Journal – Innovation Processes & Tools

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What is innovative about it?

  1.  Tackles in home pollution and combines health with Internet of Things technology.
  2.  Connects to other already cherished technology such as Iphone or andriod to provide alerts on important metrics such as air quality and CO2 levels.
  3.  Embedded AI and deep learning systems that can detect abnormal smoking conditions to alert household of potentially dangerous hazards.
  4.  Looks like a stylish alarm clock which is functional and will fit most decors.
  5.  Small footprint relative to the benefits provided.

Sketch - Innovation methods from module


The overall theme that I took away from this week’s module is that innovation is more than just thinking about great ideas. It is about a mindset, processes, empathy, listening, communication and ensuring that you place yourself in an optimal state for creativity. While this may happen organically, innovation often occurs through intentional behaviors meant to foster creativity and ideas that bring forth innovations that ultimately improve products, services and processes.