Week 2 Journal – Pitch Decks

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ISPY - Pitch Deck


Sketch -
  1. Decompose the template for the pitch and diagram it.
  2. How did they structure the information?

This Pitch Deck was structured in a typical way that I have seen before. It starts off with a brief summary of what will be presented in the desk which is followed up by the actual problem statement and solution. This is then followed by a series of slides that demonstrate the product at different phases of interaction. The bulk of the remaining slides concern the business aspect of the product detailing actions and predictions such as areas of opportunity, differentiation, traction, growth potential, financial aspects etc. Finally closing items such as branding, team details and appendix and exhibits round out the deck. 


The information is structured with the main elements right at the beginning of the desk. Since this is a UX Pitch Deck, presenting elements that most UX  teams and stakeholders will be familiar with first makes sense since this is when they will be most attentive. Leading with the summary, problem, solution and areas of opportunity and growth let’s everyone know the objectives of the deck and the main takeaways. 

Reflect - What makes a successful pitch deck?

A Successful deck is one that is clear and concise and can convey exactly the information that the UX/innovation team wants to get across to the target audience with the appropriate amount of specificity. Because of this, there is no one particular deck that is appropriate for all types of audiences. Knowing who will be in your audience goes a long way in ensuring that the correct elements are arranged in the correct order and in the right amount of detail so that your audience can digest the information as intended.